Why I recommend Bonn: For a young researcher with intellectual curiosity and wide horizons, seeking both to deepen his or her disciplinary expertise and to profit from innovative inter- and transdisciplinary research groupings, Bonn University is an excellent place … and the respective research agenda for the achieve-ment of the Sustainable Development Goals within the Technology Facilitation Mechanism. Close cooperation within the Department of Geography, the Earth Sciences Division, the University of Bonn's faculties and the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (e. g. Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures) is of special importance. About the Innovation Campus Bonn (ICB) The Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research stands for a transdisciplinary approach to sustainability research. Sustainability research should take place in a direct exchange and dialogue with policy makers and stakeholders from economy and … (Transdisciplinary Research Area Past Worlds and Modern Questions. The other clusters besides "Beyond Slavery and Freedom" are: ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy Seit dem Jahr 2015 haben wir unser Forschungsprofil weiterentwickelt und sechs transdisziplinäre Forschungsschwerpunkte (Transdisciplinary Research Areas – TRAs) definiert, in deren Zentrum nunmehr jeweils ein Exzellenzcluster angesiedelt ist. Overview The Tenure-Track Programme in North American Studies – a two-year research-oriented program – attracts graduates interested in transdisciplinary work and intercultural exchange The Tenure-Track Programme. In research and teaching we focus on areas as diverse as English literature from the 16th century to the present, film and television studies, as well as postcolonial studies – always in accord with current issues in the study of English literatures and cultures. Our group conducts experiments on the following topics: quantum physics of ultracold atomic gases, equilibrium thermodynamics of light, and laser cooling of dense gases. ... and the sciences, and work with transdisciplinary… and the respective research agenda for the achieve-ment of the Sustainable Development Goals within the Technology Facilitation Mechanism. Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (Doktorandin, Teilprojekt Ethnologie/Altamerikanistik im Verbund-Projekt SiSi 5) Although the pledge for inter- and transdisciplinary sustain-ability science is unmistakable, the starting points of such inter- and transdisciplinary research continues to be the respective subject area. Simon Hirzel, M.A. Project leader Prof. Dr. Ulli Vilsmaier Transdisciplinary research has emerged as a research practice in a variety of knowledge fields (e.g. In 1994, Gibbons et al. As of January 2019, the University of Bonn has six Clusters of Excellence, more than any other German university. (1994) introduced their concept of Mode 2 research as a strongly contextualized research practice in a particular field of application, characterized… environmental science, development studies, education) since the 1990s. Our M.A. Cultures Across Time and Space 4) ProjektmitarbeiterInnen. The University of Bonn is one of the eminent research universities in Germany and has an excellent international reputation. NORTH AMERICAN STUDIES Established in 1990, the North American Studies Program at the University of Bonn ranks as one of the best places in Germany to study and do research in the field. Naomi Rattunde, M.A.