100 Locations. Nicht nur die Einwohner von Lyon beteuern, dass ihre Stadt immer eine Reise wert ist. Telling a story within a short period of time, whereas some would take about 90 minutes, is true art. Dear W-fest visitors, W-fest believers, W-fest fans, Dear music lovers, On March 10th we still had full confidence to let W-fest 2020 (and related concerts) take place on the set dates in May. 10 Nights. Un rendez-vous incontournable des passionnés de la photo. LICHTER Regional Short Film Award. 100.000 qm Art. Reconnue par l’UNESCO qui l’a inscrite sur la liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité, la Fête des Vignerons unit les générations, rassemble gens des villes, des campagnes et des vignes, autochtones et étrangers et permet à chacun de se surpasser et de se transcender en participant collectivement à un spectacle unique au monde. 2019 As we LICHTERs treasure this kind of film making, we have once again compiled a top-class program of regional short films this year. In October 2019, Berlin became the largest open air gallery in the world: The most important landmarks, buildings and squares shone in sensational projections, magical 3D video shows and impressive light installations around this year’s theme “Lights of Freedom”. Home; Festival; Partners; Official Sponsors Drücken Sie Enter / Return, um mit der Suche zu beginnen. With an auditorium in which his music unfolds like in no other theatre in the world. Ganz besonders ist das allerdings zu Beginn der Weihnachtszeit der Fall. Dann verwandelt sich die Metropole an der Rhône während der „Fête des Lumières“ (Lichterfest) in leuchtende Poesie. Open Source Festival bye 2006 – 2019 Düsseldorf 2007 2018 2018. Montier Festival Photo est l’événement international unique de photo animalière et de nature. With no grandeur, reduced to the essential: to experience his works as a celebration. A theatre created for a single composer: the Bayreuth Festival Theatre.