Early life. F. MURRAY ABRAHAM The ship explodes, loudly, and with horrible special effects. BRENT pushes the button on it. How Did That Happen? F. Murray Abraham v Internet Movie Database (po anglicky) Zdroje [ upraviť | upraviť kód ] Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článku F. Murray Abraham na českej Wikipédii (číslo revízie nebolo určené). (Star Trek: Insurrection) He was played by F. Murray Abraham. Abraham, a 1939 native of Pittsburgh, Pa., was raised in El Paso, Texas, studied with Uta Hagen in New York and then debuted on stage in Los Angeles. Livraison gratuite dès 20 € d'achat et retrouvez des milliers de DVD et Blu-ray. Tout sur Star Trek IX - Insurrection - Blu-Ray - Version remasterisée 2009 - Patrick Stewart - F. Murray Abraham, Blu-ray et toute l'actualité en Dvd et Blu-ray. The Faded Stars. Personally, I've always enjoyed this movie. F. MURRAY ABRAHAM. BRENT SPINER (catching it) HA HA! Série Star Trek Star Trek: Premier Contact (1996) Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Star Trek: Insurrection (Star Trek: Insurrection) est un film américain de science-fiction réalisé par Jonathan Frakes et sorti en 1998 . A obținut Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun actor în anul 1985 pentru rolul Antonio Salieri din filmul "Amadeus" (1984). In an earlier version of the script, reflected in the early editions of the novelization, Ru'afo escapes into space before the collector explodes. His mother, Josephine (Stello) Abraham, was the daughter of Italian immigrants. This time, it's with F. Murray Abraham, the formidable Oscar-winner who played Ru'afo, the main villain in Star Trek: Insurrection. Good vs. Good! F. Murray Abraham was coated in prosthetics in order to play the role of Ru'afo in Star Trek: Insurrection, but he had an amazing time working on the movie. His father was Aramean/Syriac and emigrated from Syria at age five during a famine; his paternal grandfather was a chanter in the Syriac Orthodox Church. Abraham netted an Oscar for Best Actor in 1984 for his portrayal of tortured composer Salieri in Amadeus. Abraham told the official Star Trek website that “If this is what it’s like to make movies with you, I want to work with you for the rest of my life. (In an alternate scene, he fled in an escape pod towards the rings of the Ba'ku planet, where the intensity of the rings' rejuvenating properties caused him to "de-age" until he disappeared completely). I was a kid in the 90s when Star Trek: First Contact came out, and it is by far my favorite Trek film, up there with Wrath of Khan and Star Trek 2009. Star Trek: Insurrection Ru'afo (1998) ... 10 February 2020 | Hollywood Outbreak F. Murray Abraham In A TV Comedy?