To protect the health and safety of the San Diego region, our offices are closed to the public starting March 18 as part of the nationwide effort to limit the spread of coronavirus. The health and safety of our travelers, employees, and all airport users are SAN’s top priorities. Please note: The terms "San Francisco International Airport" and "SFO", as well as associated graphics, logos, and/or trademarks, trade names or copyrights, are the property of the Airport Commission of the City and County of San Francisco and are used herein for the factual and descriptive purposes only. To protect the health and safety of the San Diego region, our offices are closed to the public starting March 18 as part of the nationwide effort to limit the spread of coronavirus. Check San Francisco Airport (SFO) airport delay status, SFO flight arrivals and SFO flight departures with FlightView's SFO flight tracker and SFO airport tracker tools. Close. Flight delays happen, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept them! You can directly contact the airport for flight arrival information via phone at 18004359736. Flights - International and Domestic Arrivals and Departures from Auckland Airport . PUBLIC NOTICE: The health and safety of our travelers, employees, and all airport users are SAN’s top priorities. On this website you can find useful information about San Francisco International Airport: Arrivals, Departures, Terminal information, Parking, Car rental, Transport, Accommodation, Amenities and Services, among other information.Plan your travel to SFO airport with … Live flight Departures, flight status information for San Francisco International Airport (SFO). Latest update, 26 March 2020 The government has taken further measures to protect New Zealanders from the COVID-19 virus, elevating New Zealand's alert level to level 4. Flight Departures information from San Francisco Airport (SFO): Status and Estimated times - Today Claim up to $ 700 compensation for flight cancellations and delays! The airport's email is Flights - International and Domestic Arrivals and Departures from Auckland Airport. You may be entitled to as much as $ 700 in compensation per passenger if your flight has been delayed, … San Francisco International Airport is a United States Airport located in San Francisco. Check compensation!.