To improve the response characteristic of modern vehicles we offer you the PedalBox+ of DTE-Systems. The Volkswagen Passat B8 1.5 TSI 150HP top speed is 215 Km/h / 134 mph. 15 let zkušeností, vlastni vývojové a diagnostické centrum a tedy i nízké ceny. ministerstva dopravy. 130 kW 177 PS 295 Nm NÁRŮST VÝKONU + 20 kW (18%) PS . In the case of the Volkswagen Passat B8 1.4 TSI 150hp engine, our Chiptuning file is tailored for more power and torque, reduced fuel consumption, smoother acceleration and improved throttle response. And that is why the tuning offer is very large for the VW Passat B8 as well. 430 Nm. No products in the cart. Nm. ABT offers, for example, seven different tuning variants for the VW Passat B8. Mit dem Motortuning-Testsieger das Potenzial Ihres VW erleben. PedalBox+. Die Leistungssteigerung beträgt ca. výběr verze: ... 150. 340. ECU Remapping for Volkswagen Passat 2.0 TDI 150 bhp. Schválení ministerstva dopravy. Ja, der Einbau des Chiptuning-Moduls kann innerhalb von 10 bis 15 Minuten ohne spezielles Werkzeug und ohne Vorkenntnisse geschehen, da alle RaceChip-Produkte dem Plug & Drive Prinzip folgen. +90 Nm. By optimising the torque curve the Volkswagen Passat B8 1.4 TSI 150hp engine produces more torque at lower RPM. Powerbox Pro; Powerbox Ultra; Powerbox Nitro S jednotkou RaceChip XLR můžete přizpůsobit odezvu pedálu akcelerace, od pohodlného sedanu až po čistě sportovní vůz. When you opt for a CHIP Express™ digital tuning system, you are choosing an innovate and bespoke tuning solution that has been specifically programmed and setup for your particular engine. maximal . Dokonalý doplněk k našim RaceChip jednotkám zvyšujícím výkon motoru.. 7 individuálních úrovní jízdy Jo, allerdings ist ABT auch so teuer, dass man statt der 150 PS direkt die 190 PS Version kaufen kann. Chiptuning od RaceChip pro Vaše vozidlo VW Passat B8 (3C) 2.0 TDI. maximal . Advanced diesel chip tuning boxes guaranteed to boost performance for the VW Passat range. Increasing the power of the vehicle is done by remapping car engine. Chip Tuning options available, DPF removal, EGR Removal, Speed limit removal. Na základě tohoto … Nm. The Volkswagen Passat B8 1.5 TSI 150HP weighs 1305 Kg / 2877 lbs. What is the top speed of a Volkswagen Passat B8 1.5 TSI 150HP? ... Passat B8 (2014+) Passat 2.0 TDI CR 110kW Chiptuning Volkswagen Passat 2.0 TDI CR 110kW. ... Passat B8 (2014+) Passat 1.5 TSI 110kW Chiptuning Volkswagen Passat 1.5 TSI 110kW. PS . Get upto 40% MORE POWER & 15% FUEL SAVING on VW Passat B8 2.0 TDI 140 kW 190 PS using TMC Motorsport Tuning Boxes by ECU Remapping via chip. Gain 33% power with a Stage 1 diesel Tuning. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Speer-chiptuning. +45 PS und ca. Passat B8 (2014+) Passat 2.0 TDI CR 110kW ... Chiptuning Volkswagen Passat 2.0 TDI CR 110kW. Sie fahren einen VW PASSAT (B8,3G) 2014-..... wir haben das passende Chiptuning, die passende Pedalbox und das passende Maxhaust Sound-System Chiptuning für VW PASSAT To be able to use Chiptuning Shop EN in full range, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. MENU MENU. výběr verze: ... 150. PS . The newcomer VW Passat B8 with a 1,4l TSI engine and standard 150 PS (110 kW) missed the tuner 180 PS (132 kW). Experience the true potential and power of your VW. 130 kW 177 PS 295 Nm NÁRŮST VÝKONU + 20 kW (18%) Home >> Autocatalog >> Volkswagen >> Passat >> 2015 Passat (B8) >> 2.0 TDI (150 Hp) BMT Autocatalog News Blog Login Registration Add data for a new car Car DataBase API English Chiptuning von RaceChip für Ihren VW Passat B8 (3C) 2.0 TDI (110KW). What marketing strategies does Speer-chiptuning use? Durch Chiptuning, via OBD, leistet der VW Passat B8 2.0 TDI BlueMotion (B8/Typ 3G) ca. How much does a Volkswagen Passat B8 1.5 TSI 150HP weighs? Chiptuning s certifikátem kvality TÜV s možností homologace. RaceChip RS Chip Tuning For VW Passat B8 2.0 TDI BLUEMOTION 110kW 150PS Box | eBay maximal . 250. VW Passat Diesel Chip Tuning Boxes. ... 150. Tuning for all models of the Passat B8. 15 let zkušeností, ... Passat B8 (2014+) Passat 1.5 TSI 110kW Chiptuning Volkswagen Passat 1.5 TSI 110kW.