The melody is attributed to Johann Crüger, who wrote it c. 1647. "Now thank we all our God" is a popular Christian hymn translated from the German "Nun danket alle Gott", written c. 1636 by Protestant minister Martin Rinkart. Zelda was the commander of the Champions, assisted by her appointed knight, Link, and the chosen four Divine Beasts pilots; Daruk, Mipha, Revali and Urbosa. The melody is attributed to Johann Crüger, who wrote it c. 1647. The Champions are a group of characters from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. We Are the Champions ~ Release by Queen (see all versions of this release, 10 available) "Now thank we all our God" is a popular Christian hymn translated from the German "Nun danket alle Gott", written c. 1636 by Protestant minister Martin Rinkart. Manchmal - wenn ich glücklich bin, hör ich laut mein Herz, kommt ein Lied mir dann in den Sinn sing ich vom Glück ohne Schmerz. The Champions are a group of characters from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Zelda was the commander of the Champions, assisted by her appointed knight, Link, and the chosen four Divine Beasts pilots; Daruk, Mipha, Revali and Urbosa. weil auch du - so strahlst vor Glück, dir die Ohren klingen, denk doch mal an das Lied zurück und fange laut an zu singen.