Henry Van de Velde (Amberes, 3 de abril de 1863 - Ober-Ägeri, Suiza, 15 de octubre de 1957), arquitecto, diseñador industrial y pintor belga que trabajó en varios países europeos (Francia, Alemania, Suiza y Holanda). He worked in Paris with Samuel Bing, the founder of the first gallery of Art Nouveau in Paris. Henry van de Velde (1863–1957) is a pivotal figure in the history of modern design. The official award ceremony on 22 January, exhibition in BOZAR (23 January - 29 March) and accompanying publication make the Henry van de Velde Awards a true platform for Flemish design. His range was prodigious: from furniture, jewellery and dress design to interiors and entire buildings. Born in Antwerpen, he started as a painter influenced by divisionnism. His radical ideas on design education were absorbed into the Bauhaus. In the late 19th century Flemish architect Henry van de Velde was the frontrunner for Art Nouveau architecture. Henry van de Velde designed a vast range of items, such as architecture works and whole interior decorations, furniture, ceramics, metalwork and jewelry. Es considerado junto a Victor Horta y Paul Hankar uno de … The Henry van de Velde Awards are widely supported thanks to the shared vision of a professional jury with considerable expertise in the industry. Henry Clemens Van de Velde (Dutch: [ɑ̃ˈri vɑndəˈvɛldə]; 3 April 1863 – 25 October 1957) was a Belgian painter, architect, interior designer, and art theorist. Biografia. Möbel, Tapeten, Lampen, Teppiche, Geschirr und Besteck, aber auch Bücher, Bodenfliesen, Schmuck, Stoffe und Kleider, Interieurs und sogar gesamte Gebäude: Henry van de Velde (1863–1957) gilt als einer der vielseitigsten Künstler des Jugendstils. Henry Clement van de Velde, dopo aver frequentato dal 1881 al 1884 l'accademia di Anversa e dopo un'esperienza simbolista a Parigi (1884-85), iniziò la sua attività a Bruxelles.Influenzato dalla pittura di Monet, di Renoir e di van Gogh, si unì nel 1889 al gruppo d'avanguardia Les XX (I Venti) e dipinse secondo i canoni del neoimpressionismo francese. Henry Van De Velde was a Belgian painter, architect and interior designer. His furniture designs are linear, highly detailed by innovative decorations and expressive ornamental designs, tempered by strong traditional elements. Son of Henry Clement van de Velde and Maria van de Velde (Sèthe) Husband of Rachel van de Velde and Leentje van de Velde Brother of Cornélie (Nele) Jenny van de Velde; Hélène (Helen) Johanna Rosina von Schinckel; Anne Sophie Alma van Houweninge; Thylberte (Thylla) Kröller-van de Velde; Thylbert (Thyl) (1) Guillaume van de Velde and 1 other He was one of the first modern architects to exclusively favor the "form follows function" theory in architecture. Designed by Henry van de Velde for the Grand Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts, this smaller building was constructed from 1905 to 1906 and was used by the State Bauhaus of Weimar between 1919 and 1925. He studied painting at the famous Royal Academy of Fine Arts. 15 października 1957 w Zurychu) – belgijski malarz, architekt, projektant mebli i wnętrz.W swojej twórczości wykorzystywał roślinne formy secesyjne, rozwinął wzornictwo przemysłowe. In addition to classrooms and studios, it now houses the Faculty of Art and Design of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Er beschäftigte sich mit der formschönen Gestaltung des kompletten Wohn- und Lebensraums. Van de Velde is the most international artist of the Art Nouveau movement and one of the major. Then, he went to study on Carolus-Duran in Paris. The Henry van de Velde Awards showcase and applaud national and international Flemish designers, enterprises, products, projects and services which, as a result of their design or their solution of a given problem, have a positive impact on the economy and society. Henry Clément van de Velde (ur.3 kwietnia 1863 w Antwerpii, zm. Together with Victor Horta and Paul Hankar, he is considered one of the founders of Art Nouveau in Belgium. In 1982, he abondened painting and devoting his time to arts of decoration and interior design. Henry Van de Velde (1863-1957) Belgian designer and architect.