Totally excellent, hard-to-answer question. 1:48. But I will try. rolling stones music guarrillaah; 86 videos; 597 views; Last updated on May 30, 2014; Play all Share. The Rolling Stones (Exile On Main Street Disc 2) by Esploratore. The Rolling Stones – Exile On Main St. Exile on Main St. is the tenth British and 13th American studio album by English rock band The Rolling Stones. Rolling Stones Exile main Street rare footage 1972 by soundshunter. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Rolling Stones* - Exile On Main St. at Discogs. Released in May 1972, Exile On Main St. is widely regarded as the Stones' finest album. Sign in. ‘Exile on Main St.’ Track By Track The making of each song on the Stones’ 1972 classic Sign in to YouTube. Although very much rooted in blues and roots-rock, it also incorporates influences from Released as a double LP in May 1972, it draws on many genres including rock and roll, blues, soul, R&B, gospel and country. Complete your Rolling Stones* collection. Loading... Save.