Już w przyszłym tygodniu rozpocznie się pierwsza faza przygotowań do wielkich manewrów „Defender Europe 2020” – poinformowali w Berlinie przedstawiciele US Army i niemieckiej Bundeswehry. DEFENDER-Europe 20 will assess the Army’s ability to rapidly move a large combat force of Soldiers in case of a potential crisis. United States Army vehicles arrive in Europe for DEFENDER-Europe 20 MONS, Belgium – On Friday, February 21, 2020, the first of 13 thousand armoured vehicles, together with up to 20 thousand soldiers from the U.S. started to arrive in Bremerhaven, Germany to take part in exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20 this year. News US troops arrive in Germany for 'Defender Europe 20' military maneuvers. United States Army Europe official homepage. United States Army Europe official homepage. U.S. Army Europe trains and leads the U.S. Army Forces in the European theater in support of U.S. European Command and the Department of the Army. Update March 22,2020 Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 2020 is the deployment of a division-size combat-credible force from the United States to Europe, the drawing of equipment and the movement of personnel and equipment across the theater to various training areas.. U.S.-based equipment will leave from ports in four states and arrive in six European countries. U.S. Army Europe trains and leads the U.S. Army Forces in the European theater in support of U.S. European Command and the Department of the Army. – To będzie największa operacja przerzucenia amerykańskich wojsk do Europy od 25 lat. A military contingent, comparable in size with a division of the United States Army, will be deployed across the Atlantic to Europe next spring to participate in “Defender Europe 2020” exercises and other operational-combat training activities. DEFENDER-Europe 20 zbuduje gotowość strategiczną i zoperacjonalizuje cele strategii obronnej USA i NATO-wskie cele odstraszania, demonstrując przy tym zdolność armii USA do szybkiego rozmieszczenia dużych, wiarygodnych sił bojowych i do szybkiego reagowania na kryzys wraz z sojusznikami i … Polska będzie praktycznie w samym centrum ćwiczeń. Even so, it’s only the third largest military exercise to be held in Europe since the end of the Cold War, according to Lt. Gen. Chris Cavoli, the United States Army Europe commander. March 2020 News Defense Global Security army industry Posted On Thursday, 12 March 2020 14:55 Statement by the Headquarters, United States European Command: After careful review of the ongoing Defender-Europe 20 exercise activities and in light of the current Coronavirus outbreak, we will modify the exercise by reducing the number of U.S. participants. DEFENDER – Europe 20 is a joint, multinational training exercise scheduled to take place from April to late May, with personnel and equipment movements occurring from February through July 2020. In a conference held previously, Brigadier General Sean Bernabe, Deputy Chief of Staff, G3, U.S. Army Europe, explained: “The exercise Defender-Europe 20 is a Headquarters, Department of the Army-directed, U.S. Army Europe-led exercise designed to build strategic readiness for the United States Army. Defender-Europe 20 to największy przerzut żołnierzy armii amerykańskiej do Europy w celu przeprowadzenia ćwiczeń od 25 lat. Żołnierze US Army wezmą udział w największych od ćwierćwiecza ćwiczeniach NATO Defender 2020. The upcoming Defender 2020 exercise will involve about 20,000 U.S. soldiers deploying from the continental United States to support activities across 10 European countries. The actual event, codenamed Defender Europe 2020, is said to be the largest military exercise for a quarter of a century. U.S. soldiers with the 1st Cavalry Division Sustainment Brigade conduct inventory on trucks at an Army prepositioned stock draw, Feb. 27, 2020, at Zutendaal, Belgium, for Defender Europe 20.