Hey there, I just tripped over this thread, because i also disagree with the type of listing of "Das Boot (1985) TV-Miniseries". "Das Boot" ist ein Meilenstein der deutschen Film- und Fernsehgeschichte. Episodes list of Das Boot (1985) | Series | MySeries It shows war through the eyes of Germans. Petersen then supervised the editing of six hours of film, from which was distilled a 209-minute version, Das Boot: The Director's Cut. Ob das gut geht? Das Boot is a 2018 German television series produced for Sky Atlantic and a sequel to Das Boot (1981). Erster Wachoffizier (I WO) (3 episodes, 1985-1987) Martin Semmelrogge. Jetzt wird die Legende fortgesetzt. Als Vorlage dienten Lothar-Günther Buchheims Romane Das Boot und Die Festung sowie Wolfgang Petersens gleichnamiger Kinofilm … Their humanity and fight for survival touch me in such a way that I cannot help but be totally for them. "Das Boot" is the story of the crew of one such U-Boat, with the film examining how these submariners maintained their professionalism as soldiers and attempted to accomplish impossible missions, all the while attempting to understand and obey the ideology of the government under which they served. Petersen then supervised the editing of six hours of film, from which was distilled a 209-minute version, Das Boot: The Director's Cut. Der Film spielt im Zweiten Weltkrieg im November und Dezember des Jahres 1941 und schildert die Erlebnisse der Besatzung eines deutschen U-Boots auf Feindfahrt während des U-Boot-Kriegs der Atlantikschlacht.. Leutnant Werner (3 episodes, 1985-1987) Klaus Wennemann. Leitender Ingenieur (LI) (3 episodes, 1985-1987) Hubertus Bengsch. Auch das Aufkeimen von Widerstand in der französischen Hafenstadt La Rochelle wird thematisiert. It is so realistic and intense that I live it every time I see it. Here you will find all the episodes of the seriesDas Boot (1985). An inexperienced U-boat crew has to survive a secret mission and a young German woman is torn between loyalty for her home country and the French resistance in the WWII drama. In February 1985 a version of three 100-minute episodes was broadcast in Germany. Zweiter Wachoffizier (II WO) (3 episodes, 1985-1987) … Découvrez les 8 épisodes de la saison 1 de la série Das Boot. Und wer die Hauptrollen spielt? Storyline. Eigentlich gibt es keinen Grund für eine Neuverfilmung; das Werk hat bis heute nichts von seiner Intensität verloren. With Philip Birnstiel, Vicky Krieps, Tom Wlaschiha, Thierry Frémont. Like the original film, the series is based on Lothar-Günther Buchheim's 1973 book Das Boot, but with additions from Buchheim's 1995 sequel Die Festung. The 3-part-miniseries and that was also the first series was aired in 1984 on uk and in 1985 on german television and didn't have titles. Zu Staffel 2 der Serie "Das Boot" gibt es nun einen Start-Termin und einen Trailer. During the Autumn of 1942, in the unrelenting deep ocean waters, U-boat Captain Ulrich Wrangel and his men are caught in battle with a US Frigate.