Modulhandbuch Modulhandbuch Master-Studiengänge Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Volkswirtschaftslehre Anlage 3 Studienordnung Fakultätsratsbeschluss vom 21.12.2016 Inhalt Master of Science . 5 5 Vertiefungsmodule Spezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehre Modulbezeichnung Advanced Management Accounting II: Managerial Decision Making under Uncertainty (M-AMA II) Leistungspunkte Je 6 LP Verpflichtungsgrad Wahlpflicht Molecular Plant Science . Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administration) der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft der Universität Hamburg, die zum Be-schlussdatum Gültigkeit haben. The Master of Science in Molecular Plant Science shall be set up as a consecutive and researchoriented degree program. Molecular Plant Science . They will Handbook . The Master of Science in Molecular Plant Science shall be set up as a consecutive and researchoriented degree program. Handbook . Modulhandbuch für die Masterstudiengänge Wintersemester 2017/2018 Program Handbook for the Master Programs Winter semester 2017/2018 an der / at the Master BWL 120LP_2016_Amts.pdf (452.5 KB) vom 08.03.2016 Regulations of study and examination rules for Winterterm 2019-2020 Amtsblatt_M.Sc._BWL_120LP_01.07.2019.pdf (362.5 KB) vom 14.10.2019 Changing of Regulations of study and examination rules for the master … for the Master’s Programs Master of Science in Betriebswirtschaftslehre Master of Science in International Management Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Winter Semester 2019/2020 This version: October 12, 2019 Subject to change without notice; a binding overview of all lectures can be found in the online course overview LSF. Graduates will have- learned molecular biological, physiological, and histological methods and procedures and will be able to apply them in experiments. Konkrete Lehrveranstaltungen Modulhandbuch Masterstudiengang: Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Master of Science, M.Sc.) Modulhandbuch des Masterstudienganges M. Sc. Version B Graduates will have- learned molecular biological, physiological, and histological methods and procedures and will be able to apply them in experiments. Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administration) Stand: 08. Betriebswirt-schaft (Business Administration) der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft der Universität Hamburg vom … Please see the “Documents to submit” section below for details. Administration (BWL) at the University of Hamburg (orientation module). 3. uni assist will check if your qualifications meet the entry requirements for a degree programme at our university 4. uni assist will provide you with a VPD for Master studies, if you qualify 5. send a copy of the VPD with your application to the HAW Hamburg Please be advised that the uni assist process can take 4-6 weeks, so please apply early. We recommend you include a link to the program website if you wish to provide a detailed introduction to the master’s program here. They will Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administra-tion) Dieses Modulhandbuch ergänzt die Fachspezifischen Bestimmungen für den Studiengang M. Sc. If you have not received your degree certificate yet, you can submit this by the end of the first semester of your master’s program. Option of adding a text to introduce the application information here. Dieses Modulhandbuch ergänzt die Fachspezifischen Bestimmungen für den Studiengang M.Sc. Juli 2015 . The course provides the basis for further study in the compulsory and optional curriculum of the degree program and is aligned in particular with the goals of the “Guideline for University Teaching” (“Leitbild universitärer Lehre”) at the University of Hamburg. Master of Science . Auf Basis der Prüfungs- und Studienordnung vom 31. Modulhandbuch des M.Sc.