Viral marketing is on any marketer's agenda. This can be something as simple as an amusing song or game. Viral marketing typically supplies its audience with something of value for free. 15 Viral Marketing Examples Over the Past 5 Years Posted in Social Media Examples by Ignite Social Media From a towel-wearing man dispensing advice on YouTube, to a snobby mustard refusing Facebook fans, it’s pretty amazing to think about all the incredible viral marketing that has come out in … One of the most common examples is India’s sudden defeat in the semi-final of the world cup. This can be something as simple as an amusing song or game. Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique that is focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth potential of a particular campaign or product, whether that is through conversations among consumers' family and friends or larger scale discussions on social media platforms. Examples of viral marketing. Description: Viral in literal sense means anything which spreads fast (across users). Virales Marketing (auch Viralmarketing oder manchmal Virusmarketing) ist eine Marketingform, die soziale Netzwerke und Medien nutzt, um mit einer meist ungewöhnlichen oder hintergründigen Nachricht auf eine Marke, ein Produkt oder eine Kampagne aufmerksam zu machen. ⇒ Virales Marketing (Viral Marketing) ist ein bedeutendes Instrument in der Kommunikationspolitik. ⇒Gezielte Mundpropaganda ⇒ Definition Viral marketing or viral advertising is a business strategy that uses existing social networks to promote a product. This term is symbolically used in context with the web or mobile domain. It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet and mobile networks. Viral Marketing Campaign Examples. It can include a simple message, a news piece, or exciting information. This hilarious video appeals to our unuttered fears of being discovered as the persons “who did it”. VIRAL MARKETING Name-Tapas kumar Das Roll No-54 MBA 1ST SEMISTER SAMBALPUR UNIVERSITY 2. Whatever the viral content is, it must encourage people to share with others so as many people as possible receive the content's message. See more. With smaller budgets and a potential to reach millions online, get shared for free and recommended to others, viral ads are - for good reasons - worth striving for. Example of viral marketing • Vodafone ZooZoo ads- A perfect example of Viral Marketing. Viral marketing is simply a technique of sharing and spreading the message like a viral. Viral marketing is simply a technique of sharing and spreading the message like a viral. Whatever the viral content is, it must encourage people to share with others so as many people as possible receive the content's message. • If your an Indian I’m sure you’ll never miss a laugh at the Vodafone ZooZoo ads which mainly appear during the IPL season. Viral marketing definition: a direct marketing technique in which a company persuades internet users to forward its... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Log In Dictionary Its name refers to how consumers spread information about a product with other people, much in the same way that a virus spreads from one person to another. The truth is, we’ve all been there at least once in our lifetimes and felt the creeping shame.