En 1965, Celibidache desposó a Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu, madre de su único hijo Sergiu Ioan Celibidache ("Serge"), nacido en 1968, autor del documental El jardín de Celibidache (2010). [4] Sergiu Celibidache murió en La Neuville-sur-Essonne, cerca de París en 1996. Në vitin 1965, Celibidache u martua me Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu. De altfel, unul dintre urmaşii lui Celibidache a fost răsplătit cu un premiu special, pentru costumul său, în timp ce Adela Vrînceanu, soţia regizorului, s-a implicat activ, făcând muncă de voluntariat pentru copiii nevoiaşi, activitate pe care o desfăşoară de şase ani. Married Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu. Im Mai 1965 heiratet Celibidache Ioana Procopie Dhnitrescu, eine Malerin, die er schon aus seinen Kindheitstagen in Rumänien kennt. He was wedded to Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu. He passed away on August 14, 1996 in Paris, France. Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu was the wife of Sergiu Celibidache. Vdekja. Sergiu Celibidache (* 11 Julie 1912 – † Parys, 14 Augustus 1996) was 'n Roemeense dirigent.. Lewe en werk. Sergiu Celibidache was created on July 11, 1912 in Roman, Romania. He later worked with radio orchestras in Stockholm , Stuttgart and Paris . Wikipedia Source: Sergiu Celibidache He died on August 14, 1996 in Paris, France. He also worked in Britain in the late 1940s and 1950s, due partly to the promotional efforts of the pianist Eileen Joyce and her partner, an artists' agent. Who is Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu? Jun 28, 1912 - Aug 14, 1996 (age 84) ... Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu. Sergiu Celibidache was created on July 11, 1912 in Roman, Romania. Sergiu Celibidache was a Romanian conductor, composer, and teacher. 1966 Im Jahr 1966 steht er wieder am Pult eines Berliner Orchesters, diesmal der Staatskapelle in Ost-Berlin, mit der er auch in diesem Jahr in Dresden und Leipzig gastiert. He’s known for his focus on Celibidache (1992), Botschafter der Musik (1952) and Le jardin de Celibidache (1997). Conductor. All; Images; Videos; Maps; News; Shopping; See all. [note 2] Summary. Person. Ai u varros në Cimetière de Neuville sur Essone. 1912. Sergiu Celibidache (Romanian: ; 11 July [O.S. stiu ca toti sunteti cu ochii pe meetinguri si revolutii, dar… ieri a murit Ioana Celibidache, o minunatie de femeie care a fost sotia lui Sergiu Celibidache. In 1965, Ioana Celibidache Procopie Dimitrescu getrouwd, moeder van zijn enige zoon Ioan Sergiu Celibidache, geboren in 1968, auteur van de documentaire film "Celibidache's Garden" in 2010 Sergiu Celibidache stierf in La Neuville-sur-Essonne bij Parijs in 1996. Get all the details on Sergiu Celibidache, watch interviews and videos, and see what else Bing knows. Sergiu Celibidache. [4] Sergiu Celibidache murió en La Neuville-sur-Essonne, cerca de París en 1996. Who is Sergiu Celibidache? Din copilărie - povesteşte Monica Pillat, autoarea cărţii „Ioana Celibidache, o mătuşă de poveste", apărută la Editura Humanitas - a auzit de „o preafrumoasă mătuşă pe nume Ioana", despre exilul ei şi căsătoria cu Celibidache.