Pain or poor posture while riding can be caused by a saddle that does not fit the rider. The teachings of Jochen are in accordance with the work we do in French Classical Dressage, seeking to ride in lightness and suppleness. Diskutiere Saddlefit 4 Life - Erfahrungsberichte gesucht im Ausrüstung für das Pferd Forum im Bereich Ausrüstung für Pferd und Reiter; Hallo! Wen spricht Saddlefit 4 Life an? Saddle Fit for Women's Anatomy by Saddlefit 4 Life® See more 225 Followers, 80 Following, 24 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Saddlefit 4 Life® Akademie (@saddlefit4life_akademie) Saddlefit 4 Life® is a new global network of Equine Professionals dedicated to the comfort and well-being of horse and rider while protecting against longterm back damage through the use of properly fitting saddles and tack. In April 2013, we will begin offering saddle fit analysis using the world-class Saddlefit 4 Life® diagnostic system. Wir sprechen Menschen an, die professionell mit Pferden befasst oder im Reitsport tätig sind und Ihr Wissen und Können festigen und vertiefen wollen. Saddles need to be built differently for men and women in order to f. Why do we see a sweat pattern where the saddle sits? Das sind in erster Linie Berufsreiter, Trainer, Tierärzte und Osteopathen. Saddlefit 4 Life® is a global network of professionals dedicated to protecting horse and rider from long-term back damage caused by ill- fitting saddles and tack. The horse’s back actually has only a few sweat glands. The global network of equine professionals dedicated to protecting horse and rider from long-term back damage caused by poorly fitting saddles. Ich weiß, dieses Thema existiert bereits, es ist jedoch etwas aus den Rudern gelaufen. NIEMAND schreibt dort über Erfahrungen mit diesem Sattelmodell, im Gegenteil: andere Impressive developments really become obvious with the saddle - using proper equipment significantly shortens the time to achieve goals!