The aldermen of Paris funded the creation of the square in order to pay tribute to Louis XV. Von weitem Sichtbar ist der Obelisk in der Mitte des verkehrsreichen Platzes. Like an exclamation point at the end of the Champs-Élysées, the Place de la Concorde is a magnificent arrangement of fountains and statues, held together in the center by a 3,000-year-old Egyptian obelisk (a gift to France from Egypt in 1829). When complete, it was said that the people of Paris could ride roughshod over the ancient fortress. Der ägyptische Obelisk wurde im 13. Today it is famous for the Luxor Obelisk (a 3,300 year old Egyptian obelisk erected on the square in October 1836), the surrounding prestigious hotels, and the two monumental fountains (Fontaine des Mers and Fontaine des Fleuves). Im Zentrum gelegen, direkt am Jardin des Tuileries und am Fuße der Avenue des Champs Elysées im 8en Arrondissement. You can’t miss it. The Champs-Elysées were then a muddy path that ran through bushes and thickets!. - AFKPCE from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Jahrhundert v. Chr. In die Place de la Concorde münden unter anderem die Rue Royale, die Avenue Gabriel, die Rue de Rivoli, der Cours la Reine mit dem Port de la Conférence, Voie Georges Pompidou, Port de la Concorde, Quai und Port des Tuileries sowie die Seinebrücke Pont de la Concorde.Der Obelisk mit seiner vergoldeten Spitze steht in der Blickachse vom Louvre zum Arc de Triomphe am … zur Zeit Ramses II. Avenue des Champs-Élysées dari Place de la Concorde, dilihat dari atas obelisk Champs-Élysées (dibaca secara harfiah bermakna "Lapangan Elysium") adalah sebuah avenue luas di ibu kota Perancis, Paris. You can’t miss it. Place de la Concorde is located between the Champs Elysées and the Tuileries Gardens, and because of its elaborate history, it is one of Paris’ most evocative public spaces.This square is the largest in Paris, and the country’s second largest after Place de Quinconces in Bordeaux. In the center there was an equestrian statue of the King Louis XV, made to celebrate his better health after having suffered a long illness. The Place de la Concorde is actually a gigantic sundial which hand is the obelisk at the center. The building on the left is the luxurious Hotel de Crillon which once was frequented by Marie Antoinette. Given to the French in 1829 by the viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali, the Obelisk of Luxor is a 3300-year-old granite monolith weighing 230 tons and 75 feet tall, standing in the Place de la Concorde. gefertigt und stand bis 1831 im Tempel von Luxor. This square was designed between 1757 and 1779 and named Place Louis XV. Many years later, it was used as the headquarters for Hitler's occupying German army. Seit 1836 steht er auf dem Place de la Concorde in Paris und stellt eines der Monumente auf der Axe historique zwischen dem Louvre und der Grande Arche dar. At its center is a 3200 years old obelisk, transported in the 19th century from Egypt. The Obelisque (Obelisk) is a 3,300-year old monument that was given to France by the Viceroy of Egypt in 1829. 15 hubungan. Curiosity Inspires Us to See Things Differently in Paris. Curiosity Inspires Us to See Things Differently in Paris. The Place de la Concorde is the second largest square in France after the Place des Quinconces in Bordeaux.. A Turbulent Past. It’s in 1999 that the Paris city hall allowed lines for hours to be drawn on the floor. Coming out from Musee de l’Orangerie you will are the Place de la Concorde right in front o you. The Place de la Concorde is also one of Paris' five 'royal squares' with Place des Victoires, Place Vendôme, Place des Vosges and Place Dauphine.. The Obelisk in … It was created in 1772 as Place Louis XV.. Many notable public executions were held here during the French Revolution including Marie Antoinette. The Luxor obelisk rises 75 feet from the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, taller than anything in the neighborhood. The Place de la Concorde is actually a gigantic sundial which hand is the obelisk at the center. It is a large public square with the Champs-Élysées Avenue behind the obelisk. Der größte Platz in Paris ist die Place de la Concorde ("Platz der Eintracht"). Place de la Concorde. The Luxor obelisk rises 75 feet from the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, taller than anything in the neighborhood. They were designed by Jacques Ignace Hittorff, and completed in 1840 during the reign of King Louis-Philippe. Given to the French in 1829 by the viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali, the Obelisk of Luxor is a 3300-year-old granite monolith weighing 230 tons and 75 feet tall, standing in the Place de la Concorde. The Fontaines de la Concorde are two monumental fountains located in the Place de la Concorde in the center of Paris. Download this stock image: The Egyptian Obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, Paris, France. Place Louis XV.