Vegan Diet Thinking of going vegan? Share. How To Spot A Vegan: A Step By Step Guide Veganism has become a word detached from its original intentions in every sense of the word. I get so many questions about how to become a vegan, I thought it was high time to put my advice around a step by step approach to becoming vegan into a post. Going vegan is a marathon, not a sprint. Many people say that going vegan is the best thing they’ve ever done – their only regret is not doing it sooner. 0 508 2 minutes read. Home/Vegan Diet/ Thinking of going vegan? It's become a fad of sorts that's attracted bloggers, vloggers and animal rights activists from far and wide. So what are you waiting for? Let’s start with the basics. So you’ve decided that you’d like to become vegan, but where do you start? Figuring out how to go vegan doesn’t have to overwhelm you. But you can probably guess how long that usually lasts: without the intermediate steps that give you a chance to become familiar with a new type of cooking, and practice ordering from progressively smaller sections of a restaurant menu, most well-intentioned attempts (including my first) to go vegetarian or vegan fail after just a few days. Try your hand at making vegan cashew cream cheese, it's simpler than you might think with no cooking involved. But don’t be intimidated – you can learn how to go vegan by taking some simple steps towards veganism today.. How To Go Vegan in 6 Simple Steps: A Starter Guide. Here is how to become vegan step by step. It's worth investigating different vegan substitutes such as tofu, vegan quorn products, vegan cheeses, soy and nut milks and mayos to see if you can convert some of your favourite dishes. VEGAN 101 How to kickstart your vegan journey Vegan101_sp04.indd 1 14/06/2017 16:02. What is veganism? Here is how to become vegan step by step. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can seem really daunting but often the idea of a big lifestyle change is a lot scarier than actually doing it.If you focus on making one change at a time the progression to veganism will feel quite natural. As a plant-based dietitian, I am absolutely blown away by the growing consciousness around how our food choices not only affect our bodies, but how they affect animals and the planet. Get to know your vegan substitutes. When going vegan, “people get so caught up in rules, they become anxious,” says Terry Hope Romero, author of the book Vegan Eats World. There’s a whole world of positive benefits just around the corner. 3 weeks ago.