TUTANKHAMUN: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh at the Saatchi Gallery. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Le Victoria and Albert Museum , souvent abrégé « V&A », est un musée national d'art situé à Londres , dans le quartier de South Kensington . (Inexhibit, April 2016) The second phase of the renovation and redesign of the Victoria & Albert Museum is underway, and the design by AL_A – Amanda Levete Architects for the new space on Exhibition Road takes shape intending to open the new spaces in 2017. Das Victoria & Albert Museum zelebriert Kunst und Design in jeder Form. This immersive and theatrical show charts the evolution of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland from manuscript to a global phenomenon beloved by all ages. Es beherbergt erstaunliche Artefakte aus 3.000 Jahren aus vielen der interessantesten Kulturen der Welt. Top museum exhibitions in London. It was renamed the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1899 when Queen Victoria laid the foundation stone of new buildings along Exhibition Road and Cromwell Road. From blockbuster shows at some of the capital’s most iconic museums to immersive exhibits in quirkier spaces, catch the best museum exhibitions in London right now. Queen Victoria really wanted to call the V&A the 'Albert Museum' Das Victoria and Albert Museum (oftmals abgekürzt V&A), im Jahr 1852 unter der Bezeichnung South Kensington Museum gegründet, liegt an der Cromwell Road in Kensington, West London und beherbergt die größte Sammlung von Kunstgewerbe und Design der Welt. The South Kensington Museum was the first museum in the world to provide a public restaurant. AL_A’s project unlocks the potential to bring new audiences into the V&A, breaking down the separation between street and museum, and taking the V&A onto Exhibition … Victoria and Albert Museum The Victoria and Albert Museum was founded in 1852, and is currently the largest art and design museum in the world, housed in an imposing building that will amaze you from the first moment you see it. The Victoria and Albert Museum has its origins in the Great Exhibition of 1851, with which Henry Cole, the museum's first director, was involved in planning.Initially it was known as the Museum of Manufactures, first opening in May 1852 at Marlborough House, but by September had been transferred to Somerset House.At this stage the collections covered both applied art and science. Please check the venue's website for the latest details. The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world's leading museum of art, design, and performance, representing more than 3,000 years of human creativity, with collections unrivaled in their scope and diversity and an inspiring range of events.