But what makes it so standout? Montreal Chinatown Founded in 1877 and built by successive waves of migrants, Montreal Chinatown is a popular tourist attraction and a center of Chinese organisations. Chinatown - How Chinese Live in the World's Cities Chinatowns in major cities around the world belong to the most famous ethnic districts. A newly planned Chinatown was built in suburban Goyang in 2005. It used to be the largest such Chinatown in South Korea before the exodus of Chinese from the county. The San. “Bangkok's Chinatown is certainly one of the city's most exciting neighbourhoods in town and for sure, one of the coolest Chinatowns in the world,” travel blogging duo Martina & Jürgen from Places of Juma told us. English is rarely spoken there, which is fine, but what's not fine is the mountains of garbage piled in the streets, the disgusting smell omitted from the dirt stores and the rodents in the back streets. They are not only home to a growing number of Chinese people but also have their own special traditions and way of life. Explore popular vacations destinations like a true local by checking out some of the best Chinatowns in the world! Amsterdam Chinatown is one of the youngest Chinatown in Europe and home to the largest Chinese Buddhist monastery in Europe. Image credit: Places of Juma. The largest Chinatown in the world, we couldn’t keep Bangkok’s infamous Chinatown off the list. And, of course, don’t miss San Francisco, whose Chinatown is the largest outside Asia. Chinatown’s essential character and main focus is along Little Bourke Street with alleys that link the area to Bourke Street and Lonsdale Street. It is in Jung-gu and was formed in 1884. – In 2014, Paris’ Chinese New Year major celebrations take place on 2-9 February. Chinatown Melbourne is the longest continuous Chinese settlement in the western world. Incheon's Chinatown is Korea's only official Chinatown. If you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a third world country, just visit Chinatown in San Francisco. Seoul's Chinatown is unofficial. Biggest chinatown in the world If we're going to talk about popular ethnic enclaves, we might as well start with the biggest and the best Chinatown in the world! – Chinatown Paris serves as the largest Chinatown in Europe. Aside from food, there are also several cool bars. It’s pretty easy to plan a trip, visit the most obvious attractions, and fly home. how much could a …