Großer Kurfürst setup? You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. The Grosser Kurfurst Unique Upgrade gives -15% main gun reload, -15% secondary gun reload, -7% main gun traverse, -8% main gun firing range Grosser Kurfurst Unique Upgrade 24.7s 406mm Main gun reload - 27.2s 420mm Main gun reload By Harkonnen 8th July 2016 8th July 2016. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Followers 1. share. I'd like to spec in secondary build, less so sniping (I'd play Yamato / Montana to snipe). The ship was fitted with 420mm main guns designed at the outbreak of World War II. Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the era of … Der folgende Kapitän ist für einen Sekundär Bewaffnungs Build ausgelegt. So I'd like to know a bit more about it. Koikatu version human-form Grosser Kurfürst Sign in to follow this . Media. 2 Share this post. With guns. And neither is this post. The project was developed based on combat experience and featured powerful torpedo protection, enhanced horizontal armor and more advanced AA guns. r/WorldOfWarships: A game about huge boats. I'll see myself out. ... Bismarck, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau worked well with secondary build, on the freddy I prefered the conceal build. Media. Grosser Kurfurst Enhanced Main Armaments slot 6 Unique (Legendary) Upgrade. Posted by. Grober Kurfurst Improvements Sign in to follow this . Now, up to there the road was pretty clear as to which skill to take when with my captain. The first variation, "H-39," called for six ships to be built, essentially as enlarged Bismarck-class battleships with 40.6 cm (16.0 in) guns and diesel propulsion. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Hey guys, Some screenshots from the Großer Kurfürst (H41) German Tier X Battleship have showed up and it’s stats were also published. Wait, how did I get in here? World of Warships – Großer Kurfürst Tier X. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. Archived. Großer Kurfürst Stats: Survivability: 88000 HP; 4. World of Warships World of Warships is a naval action MMO, dipping into the world of large-scale sea battles of the first half of the twentieth century. Close. 6. save hide report. Gunboats. So, secondary build vs full conceal, what do you prefer?