With a lineup of progressive and influential electronic artists, Think Open Air is designed to make you do just that. Find out who is playing at Think Open Air 2019 in Leipzig (Germany) in 28 July 2019. Germany; On the internet / Google Maps/ / ... 1 Sep 2019. Every year, the most important international artists representing many musical genres (hip hop, rock, pop, electronica & more) come to Gdynia to perform. Open'er Festival is the largest and most diverse festival in Poland. Oldschool metal only. Think Open Air is a house and techno festival in Leipzig, Germany. 3 attending Good Life Gigs with Minami Deutsch (Open Air) Villa Hasenholz. 4.6K likes. No compromise. NetSuite OpenAir provides project management software for services companies to help deliver projects on time and within budget, manage project profitability … See Adobe's article on packing a desktop native installer to learn how you can make an EXE, DMG, DEB, or RPM installer file from an AIR application using AIR Developer Tool (ADT). Sat, 7 Sep 2019. Taking place on the sandy northern beach of the Cospudener See, the festival brings serious summertime vibes to Saxony's biggest city. Founder of Black Silesia Festival: Extreme metal only. Concert production & promotion. Cult underground acts only. ... Cospudener See/Nordstrand — Leipzig, Germany Booking.com ... See All Festivals In Germany. Converting the AIR file to one of these formats means the application can be opened even if the Adobe AIR runtime isn't installed. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Think Open Air 2019 line-up, tickets, photos and more. Countries. 39 attending Clubnacht: Reopening Institut fuer Zukunft (IfZ) Sat, 7 Sep 2019. Black Silesia Productions. Page Transparency See More Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Address / Brückenstraße, 04249 Leipzig. Cospudener See / Nordstrand.