Here’s the complete A-Z of thriller movies on Netflix. Murders, heists, disasters, noir -- they’re all here and packed with suspense. Murders, heists, disasters, noir -- they’re all here and packed with suspense. Liste der neuesten Thriller Filme im Jahr 2019 im Kino und der besten Thriller Filme von 2018 auf Netflix, Prime, Maxdome, Sky und anderen Streaming-Diensten in Deutschland Netflix has a huge library of action, adventure, and horror films, but when elements from all three films come together, that’s when you end up with a thriller, something that can give you the adrenaline you desire. Full Catalogue [Thrillers] This is an active list of everything currently available on the Netflix UK catalogue - films/movies, TV shows (single episodes and full series etc). Enjoy every tense moment! Netflix released a limited amount of original thrillers this year, and they've received mixed reviews across the board. As a result, you’ll find a real mixture of movies on this list. Calibre is a thriller-horror that was released in 2018. Here are some of the best and worst Netflix original thrillers of the year, according to critic scores on Rotten Tomatoes. For a straight shot of adrenaline, look no further. These thrillers that are streaming on Netflix will keep you guessing until the end. This is a great way to see what is available if you are considering subscribing as it is not … The Netflix synopsis for the film says: “A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Thrillers | Netflix … There are plenty of great thrillers streaming on Netflix, from The Departed (with the rat still intact) to the dual-Affleck Gone Baby Gone. These thrillers are for you. Thriller movies cover a wide range of titles and can be as extreme to also fit into the horror category or tame enough to be a simple drama.