We're a collaborative community website that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Review title of REDSKINS4045 A Charming Journey . And while there’s lots of explore and discover, there’s also a ton of great achievements to earn as well through a variety of activities, […] : ... AR-Y26 is a fascinating planet with many different creatures and wildlife to discover. Journey to the Savage Planet is a colorful space adventure that immerses you in a quest to explore a new planet named AR-Y 26. Upgrading your inventory will make your job much easier. Journey to the Savage Planet is out now and this guide is all about completing the game’s Science Experiments.. Journey to the Savage Planet is a game you can complete in 15-20 hours if you stick rigidly to the plot. Use your Compass! While the Science Experiments are heaps of fun, they’re also needed to unlock pieces of gear — you’ll need to reach Science Level 4 to be able to craft every tool at your disposal. There are plenty of creatures that want to kill you, locations you can’t access without certain upgrades, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. - worth 20 Gamerscore. The Teratomo is the final boss in Journey to the Savage Planet and one that you’ll need to defeat in order to finish the main story. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. Zoologist Achievement in Journey to the Savage Planet: Scan all the creatures on AR-Y 26! Typhoon Studios knocked it out of the park w/ this game. If No Man's Sky & Outer World's had a kid this would be the game they would of made. Full list of all 45 Journey to the Savage Planet achievements worth 1,045 gamerscore. Remember to Revisit Explored Areas. Find guides to this achievement here. Welcome to the Journey to the Savage Planet Wiki! The very last ‘For Science!’ step isn’t as important for completing the main game in Journey To The Savage Planet. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox One. Things Journey to the Savage Planet Doesn't Tell You . Next week we’ll all have a chance to take a trip to an alien world in the upcoming Journey to the Savage Planet that arrives on January 28 for Xbox One.